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Researchers at the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering successfully collaborate with business to develop innovative and adaptable solutions, conduct relevant research, and offer ideas for improvement. The research activities are focused on strengthening relations with business and state institutions, expanding cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign partners and are significant for the country’s economic and technological development.


Subdivision Head of subdivision
Department of Automation Assoc. Prof. Dr. Virginijus Baranauskas
Department of Electrical and Energy Systems Dr. Roma Račkienė (Acting Head of the Subdivision)
Department of Electronics Engineering Prof. Dr. Elena Jasiūnienė
Metrology Institute Dr. Asta Meškuotienė

Research areas

The main works are related to the application of advanced modeling, optimization, and control methods, and numerical intelligence algorithms in biotechnological processes.


The results of the research allowed the development of high-productivity systems for the synthesis of recombinant proteins, as well as the University partner to gain a competitive advantage in supplying dedicated recombinant proteins to the global market. An effective management system for the management of feeding solutions for biotechnological processes has been developed and researched. The tools developed during the project allow to significantly reduce the glucose concentration in the medium (<0.5 g / L) at all stages of bioprocess development, increase the repeatability of developing biotechnological processes, reduce the release rates of secondary metabolites and unwanted products, and control the maximum allowable oxygen consumption in the reactor and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the culture media. A prototype of a real-time feeding system for controlling the technological processes (“Feeding box-B“) has been developed and researched. A model of an intelligent automation platform for efficient control of recombinant protein synthesis processes is currently being developed and tested, innovative software sensors and control schemes for controlling the relative growth rate of biotechnological processes have been developed.

Research includes the development of computational intelligence-based methods for adaptive data analysis and decision-making and research on the characteristics of electrical converters and electrical machines.


Methods and algorithms for identifying Parkinson’s disease using speech signal analysis (both a recording of an extended phonation (sustained phonation) and a recording of the normal Lithuanian language) have been developed. Methods and algorithms for isolating, evaluating, and selecting the most important features of various cell shape features in digital images have been developed, which allow to obtain an accurate description of the cell shape. Methods and algorithms for recognizing the natural population of P. minimum cells in digital images have been developed, which allow to achieve a high accuracy of P. minimum cell recognition, which is sufficient for practical applications in this field.

Provided the service “LEES adequacy assessment for 2013–2018“, an assessment of the adequacy of the Lithuanian electricity system in 2019–2030, updating of results/calculations and consulting were performed using the probability method. A scenario for restricting the access of the Belarusian NPP to the Lithuanian market has been prepared, performance modeling of the transmission network overhead line 110 kV north–Kino studija and Verkiai – Vilnius with cable inserts was performed, the investigation of asynchronous six-phase motor and motor/generator, a DC / DC converter model was developed and a characteristic study was performed. Consulting services for the identification study of possible measures for the restriction of electricity supply from the Astravas nuclear power plant under construction in the Republic of Belarus, as well as consulting services on the second LitPol connection were provided.  The study “Selection of Measures to Reduce the Negative Impact / Impact of overvoltage on the AB LESTO Electricity Distribution Network” was performed. A prototype of a moving vehicle detection system has been developed, and the concept “Test norms and volume of electrical equipment” has been developed.

The focus is on the reliability of energy systems and security of energy supply, the energy market, the development of smart technologies, the development of renewable and distributed generation energy systems, and their integration into energy systems.


Provided the service “LEES adequacy assessment for 2013–2018“, an assessment of the adequacy of the Lithuanian electricity system in 2019–2030, updating of results/calculations and consulting were performed using the probability method.

A scenario for restricting the access of the Belarusian NPP to the Lithuanian market has been prepared, performance modeling of the transmission network overhead line 110 kV north–Kino studija and Verkiai – Vilnius with cable inserts was performed, the investigation of asynchronous six-phase motor and motor/generator, a DC / DC converter model was developed and a characteristic study was performed.

Consulting services for the identification study of possible measures for the restriction of electricity supply from the Astravas nuclear power plant under construction in the Republic of Belarus, as well as consulting services on the second LitPol connection were provided.

The study “Selection of Measures to Reduce the Negative Impact / Impact of overvoltage on the AB LESTO Electricity Distribution Network” was performed.

A prototype of a moving vehicle detection system has been developed, and the concept “Test norms and volume of electrical equipment” has been developed.

Investigations of embedded systems are being carried out. Automatic production systems for electronics industry companies are being developed. Cooperation with companies in Germany, England, Lithuania, and Italy. In total, in the laboratory, there were developed capital goods with an annual production of about 100 million. EUR value of production. Products developed include district heating pipeline diagnostics and leakage monitoring systems, production systems for mixtures for building materials companies, communication gateways for smart precision agriculture, digital television solutions, smart lighting control systems, and more. Innovations are spread in many EU countries.


Developed an automatic technology for programming, calibration, functional testing, and classification of different types of electronic products and a robotic mechatronic line for its implementation. Methods for analysis of test results for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of testing technological equipment and methods of automatic self-diagnosis and calibration have been developed. A technology and test line have been developed to ensure adaptive testing of several different products.

IoT communication node with PLC functions and software for communication and control using cryptographically secure data exchange technology has been developed.

The physical effects of heat exchange through layered insulated heat supply pipes have been investigated, which allows to estimate possible heat losses due to insulation defects. A device has been developed to search for defects and evaluate their types.

Developed data center, training program, and special software for modern DVB technologies to train the dissemination of e-commercial and alarm messages. Developed a technology and mechatronic system for programming, testing, and qualitative classification of electronic assemblies with RF communications, determining the types of defects.

Adaptive dosing and production of inert materials and aggregates, quality control systems for rebar forming machines and production of ceramic tiles have been developed for many building materials and road construction companies, and terrestrial and IPTV digital television set-top boxes have been developed.

Developed hardware, signal processing methods, and algorithms for glider dynamics and stability subordination tests.

In cooperation with the Danish company „Bila“, a robotic system for programming, functional testing, accounting, and classification of electronic products has been developed.

Problems related to the monitoring and management of industrial environment parameters using electronic systems, automated energy-efficient data transmission both in the smart city area and in industry or medicine are solved. Innovative devices are being developed that extract energy from vibrations, allowing the creation of battery-free sensors.


An ultrasonic parking sensor for use in intelligent parking systems has been developed. These systems have been installed in 28 supermarkets in Europe and the Middle East.

Analog and digital fuel level gauges have been developed for installation in trucks, heavy machinery, agricultural machinery, and tanks. These products have been successfully commercialized and sold in many parts of the world.

A sensor integrated into the road surface has been developed for monitoring traffic parameters (number of cars, speed, length). This sensor, which detects a vehicle, can control the video camera and search light to ensure the best picture quality of vehicles in motion.

Research has been carried out and a prototype of a silent ventilation diffuser with UltraKPS technology has been developed; for national defense needs, a “Universal Sensor Block” was created. A prototype of a ground probing and electric potential measurement system has been developed. Sensors are being developed that operate without batteries and transmit information to the Internet of Things, etc.

Development of new (unique) measuring transducers, measuring instruments, and systems. Research of their technical and metrological characteristics, integration into technological and control processes, sensor device networks, metrological guarantee infrastructure, focusing on security and reliability.

Development of complex measurement algorithms, modeling, processing, and analysis of multidimensional measurement results.

Development of new effective conformity assessment methods.

Complex solutions related to the certification of reference measures.


A comparison and analysis of different methods of measuring the quantity of raw materials and production was performed, recommendations on their application were provided, and an analysis of the verification of the measuring instruments used to measure the quantity of production was performed. A new optimal model for quantity measurement error management has been developed, and recommendations for its implementation have been provided. The service of analysis, research, and study of the compliance of hot water losses arising in hot water systems of buildings with the objectives set in the hot water pricing methodology has been provided, conformity assessment of measured container volume control procedures, conformity assessment of prepacked product quantity control procedures was performed; the calculation of the measurement uncertainty of the mass difference in the cylindrical container and the modeling of the situation depending on the height of the container were performed.

Developed technology that allows receiving information by radio communications at the tactical level and which exact location of the signal source could not be easily detected by various means of scanning, directing, and locating electromagnetic waves.

Developed weigh-in-motion system’s testing program (identification of system metrological parameters; analysis of test data for individual parts of a modular system; options for complex measurement methods and techniques; computer simulation of errors and testing optimization; preparation of a program of the required scope).

A prototype of the method and means (device) for checking the homogeneity of the concentrate of prepacked suspensions has been developed. The control system developed by economically and technically justified means provides knowledge for the process of measuring the homogeneity of fertilizer suspensions and for the complex evaluation of the metrological measurement results.

Prototypes of AE converters have been developed, their production technology has been improved, and a unique methodology and equipment for calibration of AE converters has been developed (developed reference automatic timer for to ensure metrological traceability).

The research is designed to create a human-assisted robotic system capable of autonomously sensing 3D space and recognizing human gestures (commands) using stereovision and numerical intelligence algorithms. Such systems are designed to assist people in the most natural way – by interpreting gesture or voice commands.

The robot’s 3D scanning system is designed to feel the surrounding space and allow it to move without hitting existing objects. Research is also underway to monitor eye movements.


Technological solutions have been developed on the basis of which small-scale production is automated. Production is fully automated from product assembly to packaging. The results increase the competitive advantage of the university partner. A multimodal interface has been developed, adapted for the disabled, to control the robot arm.

A model of a vertical axis wind turbine operating efficiently in low wind areas has been developed. The results of the research allowed to offer optimal solutions for ensuring battery charging at low wind speeds, which would allow the use of such power generation systems even in low winds.

New algorithms for collecting sports statistics have been developed. These tools can now be widely used regardless of what technological solutions for information output are used in various sports arenas.

Research is being conducted in these areas:

  • spread spectrum signals; principles of signal formation and application in ultrasonic measurements and visualization;
  • ultrasonic electronics; electronics for sending, receiving, and digitizing signals;
  • ultrasonic superseparation methods; delay measurement, decomposition, visualization;
  • electromagnetic compatibility; testing methods, equipment, ensuring compatibility, interference mitigation methodologies, and applications in industry.


During the research, a signal quality prediction methodology was developed, and at the request of  AUT Solutions Group, LLC (USA), a prototype of a climbing robot combined controller was created. An electronic prototype of an ultrasonic nondestructive testing robot controller and a prototype of an ultrasonic measuring system for the study of nanocomposites have been developed.

The LED fishing bait prototype was created. Developed LED technologies are adapted to create amateur fishing equipment. A feasibility study of coordinate detection systems used in the premises was performed, and the reduction of electromagnetic interference in the electronic test equipment was performed. A model of an ultrasonic generator of high voltage radio pulse packets and a model of a rally judge’s video information system have been created.

A prototype for electronic bait for ice fishing has been designed, and an electronic system prototype for tank leak detection with ultrasound has been developed.

Research groups

Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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Science Projects

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Most significant publications

Jurenas, Vytautas (autorius, išradimo); Bubulis, Algimantas (autorius, išradimo); Venslauskas, Mantas (autorius, išradimo); Vezys, Joris (autorius, išradimo); Stankevicius, Edgaras (autorius, išradimo); Abramavicius, Silvijus (autorius, išradimo); Ostasevicius, Vytautas (autorius, išradimo). Vacuum therapy apparatus with ultrasonic stimulation : European patent application / inventors: V. Jurenas, A. Bubulis, M. Venslauskas, J. Vezys, E. Stankevicius, S. Abramavicius, V. Ostasevicius; applicants: Kaunas University of Technology, Lietuvos sveikatos mokslu universitetas. EP 4374840 A1. 2024-05-29. [Espacenet] [FoR: T 009, M 001] [Input: 0,142]
Svilainis, Linas (autorius, išradimo); Chaziachmetovas, Andrius (autorius, išradimo); Aleksandrovas, Arturas (autorius, išradimo); Nakutis, Zilvinas (autorius, išradimo); Eidukynas, Valdas (autorius, išradimo); Tervydis, Paulius (autorius, išradimo); Alvarez-Arenas, Tomas (autorius, išradimo); Fernandez-Caballero Farinas, Maria (autorius, išradimo). Method, device and system for ultrasonic estimation of plant-leaf physiological response : European patent application / inventors: L. Svilainis, A. Chaziachmetovas, A. Aleksandrovas, Z. Nakutis et al.; applicants: Kaunas University of Technology, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). EP 4343319 A. 2024-03-27. [Espacenet] [FoR: T 001, T 010] [Input: 0,750]
Sotner, Roman; Jerabek, Jan; Polak, Ladislav; Jaikla, Winai; Andriukaitis, Darius. Compact active analog device for novel applications useful for sensing and measurement // Measurement. London : Elsevier. ISSN 0263-2241. eISSN 1873-412X. 2024, vol. 235, art. no. 114896, p. 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2024.114896. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 5,200; AIF: 3,500; IF/AIF: 1,485; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 10,20; SNIP: 1,633; SJR: 1,181; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 001] [Input: 0,200]
Smagulova, Damira; Samaitis, Vykintas; Jasiuniene, Elena. Convolutional neural network for interface defect detection in adhesively bonded dissimilar structures // Applied sciences. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2076-3417. 2024, vol. 14, iss. 22, art. no. 10351, p. 1-13. DOI: 10.3390/app142210351. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 2,500; AIF: 5,000; IF/AIF: 0,500; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 5,30; SNIP: 0,924; SJR: 0,508; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 010, T 001] [Input: 0,333]
Sledevic, Tomyslav; Serackis, Arturas; Matuzevicius, Dalius; Plonis, Darius; Andriukaitis, Darius. Keypoint-based bee orientation estimation and ramp detection at the hive entrance for bee behavior identification system // Agriculture: Special Issue: Challenges and Perspectives for Beekeeping. Basel : MDPI. eISSN 2077-0472. 2024, vol. 14, iss. 11, art. no. 1890, p. 1-19. DOI: 10.3390/agriculture14111890. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 3,300; AIF: 3,100; IF/AIF: 1,064; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 4,90; SNIP: 1,041; SJR: 0,607; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 001] [Input: 0,200]
Lukoševicius, Vaidas; Bazaras, Žilvinas; Putnaite, Donata; Bazaraite, Egle. Damage analysis of rolling stock automatic coupler under cyclic loads // Applied sciences. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2076-3417. 2024, vol. 14, iss. 19, art. no. 9025, p. 1-19. DOI: 10.3390/app14199025. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 2,500; AIF: 5,000; IF/AIF: 0,500; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 5,30; SNIP: 0,924; SJR: 0,508; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 003] [Input: 0,250]
Smagulova, Damira; Samaitis, Vykintas; Jasiuniene, Elena. Machine learning based approach for automatic defect detection and classification in adhesive joints // NDT & E international. London : Elsevier. ISSN 0963-8695. eISSN 1879-1174. 2024 , vol. 148 , art. no. 103221, p. 1-14. DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2024.103221. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 4,100; AIF: 3,200; IF/AIF: 1,281; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 7,20; SNIP: 1,861; SJR: 1,028; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 010, T 001] [Input: 0,333]
Svoboda, Marek; Sotner, Roman; Polak, Ladislav; Jerabek, Jan; Jaikla, Winai; Andriukaitis, Darius. Design of phase-locked loop using special analog multipliers and voltage buffers: demodulation of transposedsignals from sensors // IEEE Transactions on instrumentation and measurement. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. ISSN 0018-9456. eISSN 1557-9662. 2024, vol. 73, art. no. 2006511, p. 1-11. DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2024.3427752. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 5,600; AIF: 3,950; IF/AIF: 1,417; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 9,00; SNIP: 1,741; SJR: 1,536; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 001] [Input: 0,166]
Vaicys, Jonas; Gudžius, Saulius; Jonaitis, Audrius; Rackiene, Roma; Blinov, Andrei; Peftitsis, Dimosthenis. A case study of optimising energy storage dispatch: convex optimisation approach with degradation considerations // Journal of energy storage. Amsterdam : Elsevier. ISSN 2352-152X. eISSN 2352-1538. 2024, vol. 97, pt. B, art. no. 112941, p. 1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2024.112941. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 8,900; AIF: 6,900; IF/AIF: 1,289; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 11,80; SNIP: 1,669; SJR: 1,595; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 006] [Input: 0,668]
El Fallah, Saad; Kharbach, Jaouad; Vanagas, Jonas; Vilkelyte, Živile; Tolvaišiene, Sonata; Gudžius, Saulius; Kalvaitis, Arturas; Lehmam, Oumayma; Masrour, Rachid; Hammouch, Zakia; Rezzouk, Abdellah; Ouazzani Jamil, Mohammed. Advanced state of charge estimation using deep neural network, gated recurrent unit, and long short-term memory models for lithium-Ion batteries under aging and temperature conditions // Applied sciences. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2076-3417. 2024, vol. 14, iss. 15, art. no. 6648, p. 1-31. DOI: 10.3390/app14156648. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; Dimensions] [IF: 2,500; AIF: 5,000; IF/AIF: 0,500; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 5,30; SNIP: 0,924; SJR: 0,508; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 001] [Input: 0,166]
Svilainis, Linas; Dias, Jorge Camacho Sosa; Kybartas, Darius; Chaziachmetovas, Andrius; Eidukynas, Valdas. Self-test of air coupled probe for sensitivity map production using parabolic reflector // IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. ISSN 0885-3010. eISSN 1525-8955. 2024, vol. 71, iss. 9, p. 1132-1140. DOI: 10.1109/TUFFC.2024.3428326. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 3,000; AIF: 3,500; IF/AIF: 0,857; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 7,70; SNIP: 1,378; SJR: 0,945; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 009, T 001] [Input: 0,600]
Jasiuniene, Elena; Vaitkunas, Tomas; Šeštoke, Justina; Griškevicius, Paulius. Digital image correlation and ultrasonic Lamb waves for the detection and prediction of crack-type damage in fiber-reinforced polymer composite laminates // Polymers. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2073-4360. 2024, vol. 16, iss. 14, art. no. 1980, p. 1-17. DOI: 10.3390/polym16141980. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 4,700; AIF: 4,800; IF/AIF: 0,979; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 8,00; SNIP: 1,118; SJR: 0,800; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 010, T 001, T 009] [Input: 0,125]
Raudonis, Vidas; Bartasiene, Ruta; Minajeva, Ave; Saare, Merli; Drejeriene, Egle; Kozlovskaja-Gumbriene, Agne; Salumets, Andres. Towards metric-driven difference detection between receptive and nonreceptive endometrial samples using automatic histology image analysis // Applied sciences. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2076-3417. 2024, vol. 14, iss. 13, art. no. 5715, p. 1-15. DOI: 10.3390/app14135715. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 2,500; AIF: 5,000; IF/AIF: 0,500; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 5,30; SNIP: 0,924; SJR: 0,508; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 007, M 001, N 010] [Input: 0,148]
Rutkunas, Vygandas; Jegelevicius, Darius; Gedrimiene, Agne; Revilla-León, Marta; Pletkus, Justinas; Akulauskas, Mykolas; Eyüboglu, Tan Firat; Özcan, Mutlu; Auškalnis, Liudas. Effect of 3D printer, implant analog system, and implant angulation on the accuracy of analog position in implant casts // Journal of dentistry. London : Elsevier. ISSN 0300-5712. eISSN 1879-176X. 2024, vol. 148, art. no. 105135, p. 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2024.105135. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 4,800; AIF: 2,400; IF/AIF: 2,000; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 7,30; SNIP: 1,723; SJR: 1,313; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 010, T 001, M 002] [Input: 0,056]
Rutkunas, Vygandas; Jegelevicius, Darius; Gedrimiene, Agne; Auškalnis, Liudas; Eyüboglu, TanFirat; Özcan, Mutlu; Husain, Nadin Al-Haj; Akulauskas, Mykolas; Pletkus, Justinas. Effect of different intraoral scanners on the accuracy of bite registration in edentulous maxillary and mandibular arches // Journal of dentistry. London : Elsevier. ISSN 0300-5712. eISSN 1879-176X. 2024, vol. 146, art. no. 105050, p. 1-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2024.105050. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 4,800; AIF: 2,400; IF/AIF: 2,000; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 7,30; SNIP: 1,723; SJR: 1,313; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 010, T 001, M 001] [Input: 0,110]
Maciulevicius, Martynas; Palepšiene, Ruta; Vykertas, Salvijus; Raišutis, Renaldas; Rafanavicius, Aras; Krilavicius, Tomas; Šatkauskas, Saulius. The comparison of the dynamics of Ca2+ and bleomycin intracellular delivery after cell sonoporation and electroporation in vitro // Bioelectrochemistry. Amsterdam : Elsevier. ISSN 1567-5394. eISSN 1878-562X. 2024, vol. 158, art. no. 108708, p. 1-14. DOI: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2024.108708. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 4,800; AIF: 4,750; IF/AIF: 1,010; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 9,10; SNIP: 0,898; SJR: 0,705; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 010, T 001, N 011] [Input: 0,071]
Nakutis, Ž.; Kaškonas, P.; Liaukonis, D.; Svilainis, L. Air-coupled ultrasound spectroscopy air parameters compensation technique // IEEE Sensors journal. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. ISSN 1530-437X. eISSN 1558-1748. 2024, vol. 24, iss. 8, p. 12667-12675. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2024.3369508. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 4,300; AIF: 4,266; IF/AIF: 1,007; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 7,70; SNIP: 1,424; SJR: 1,084; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 001] [Input: 1,000]
Maciulevicius, Martynas; Jurkonis, Rytis; Jakovels, Dainis; Raišutis, Renaldas; Tamošiunas, Mindaugas. The evaluation of microbubble concentration using the techniques of optical spectroscopy // Measurement. Amsterdam : Elsevier. ISSN 0263-2241. eISSN 1873-412X. 2024, vol. 228, art. no. 114372, p. 1-14. DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2024.114372. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 5,200; AIF: 3,500; IF/AIF: 1,485; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 10,20; SNIP: 1,633; SJR: 1,181; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 010] [Input: 0,100]
Koduah, Asare; Svinkunas, Gytis; Bandza, Almantas; Osei Fobi, Samuel. Investigations into higher-frequency hysteresis current controller for supraharmonic hybrid active filters // Applied sciences. Basel :  MDPI. ISSN 2076-3417. 2024, vol. 14, iss. 5, art. no. 1713, p. 1-22. DOI: 10.3390/app14051713. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 2,500; AIF: 5,000; IF/AIF: 0,500; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 5,30; SNIP: 0,924; SJR: 0,508; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 006] [Input: 0,750]
Lukocius, Robertas; Nakutis, Žilvinas; Vilkauskas, Andrius; Deltuva, Ramunas; Romikaitis, Lukas. Analysis of coil systems with non-symmetrical Fe backings for electrical vehicle wireless charging applications // Applied sciences. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2076-3417. 2024, vol. 14, iss. 4, art. no. 1380, p. 1-16. DOI: 10.3390/app14041380. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 2,500; AIF: 5,000; IF/AIF: 0,500; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 5,30; SNIP: 0,924; SJR: 0,508; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 006, T 001] [Input: 0,800]
Zhang, Rui; Guo, He; Andriukaitis, Darius; Li, Yongbo; Królczyk, Grzegorz; Li, Zhixiong. Intelligent path planning by an improved RRT algorithm with dual grid map // Alexandria engineering journal. Amsterdam : Elsevier. ISSN 1110-0168. eISSN 2090-2670. 2024, vol. 88, p. 91-104. DOI: 10.1016/j.aej.2023.12.044. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 6,200; AIF: 3,200; IF/AIF: 1,937; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 11,20; SNIP: 1,854; SJR: 0,989; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 001] [Input: 0,166]
Zavrel, Martin; Kindl, Vladimir; Frivaldsky, Michal; Andriukaitis, Darius; Navikas, Dangirutis. Optimization of series-series compensated wireless power transfer system using alternative secondary side rectification // Scientific reports. Berlin : Nature portfolio. ISSN 2045-2322. 2024, vol. 14, iss. 1, art. no. 1191, p. 1-17. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-49305-9. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 3,800; AIF: 5,700; IF/AIF: 0,666; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 7,50; SNIP: 1,182; SJR: 0,900; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 001] [Input: 0,400]

Vaiciukyniene, Danute; Nizeviciene, Dalia; Kantautas, Aras; Tamošaitis, Gintautas; Villalon Fornés, Ignacio; Krivenko, Pavel; Boiko, Olha. Production of an eco-friendly concrete by including high-volume

zeolitic supplementary cementitious materials and quicklime // Scientific reports. Berlin : Nature portfolio. ISSN 2045-2322. 2024, vol. 14, art. no. 188, p. 1-14. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-50761-6. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 3,800; AIF: 5,700; IF/AIF: 0,666; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 7,50; SNIP: 1,182; SJR: 0,900; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 002] [Input: 0,142]

Šeštoke, Justina; Jasiuniene, Elena; Šliteris, Reimondas; Raišutis, Renaldas. Exciting and detecting higher-order guided Lamb wave modes in high-density polyethylene structures using ultrasonic methods // Materials. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 1996-1944. 2024, vol. 17, iss. 1, art. no. 163, p. 1-20. DOI: 10.3390/ma17010163. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 3,100; AIF: 5,600; IF/AIF: 0,553; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 5,80; SNIP: 0,979; SJR: 0,565; Q2 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 010, T 001] [Input: 0,250]
Strikuliene, Olga; Sarkauskas, Kastytis Kiprijonas;Gelsvartas, Julius; Balasevicius, Leonas;Baranauskas, Virginijus; Derviniene, Alma. Path planning of logistic robot using method of vector marks tree generation // Mathematics. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2227-7390. 2024, vol. 12, iss. 1, art. no. 73, p. 1-16. DOI: 10.3390/math12010073. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 2,300; AIF: 1,100; IF/AIF: 2,090; Q1 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 4,00; SNIP: 0,913; SJR: 0,475; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 001, T 007] [Input: 0,755]
Hua, Dezheng; Liu, Xinhua; Królczyk, Grzegorz M.; Li, Weihua; Andriukaitis, Darius; Goldasz, Janusz; Li, Zhixiong. A new industrially magnetic capsule MedRobot integrated with smart motion controller // International journal of advanced manufacturing technology. London : Springer. ISSN 0268-3768. eISSN 1433-3015. 2024, vol. 133, iss. 9-10, p. 4561-4577. DOI: 10.1007/s00170-024-13986-x. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 2,900; AIF: 4,950; IF/AIF: 0,585; Q2 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 5,70; SNIP: 1,151; SJR: 0,696; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 001] [Input: 0,142]
Saikevicius, Linas; Raudonis, Vidas; Dervinis, Gintaras; Baranauskas, Virginijus. Non contact vision-based techniques of vital sign monitoring: systematic review // Sensors. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 1424-8220. 2024, vol. 24, iss. 12, art. no. 3963, p. 1-20. DOI: 10.3390/s24123963. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 3,400; AIF: 4,000; IF/AIF: 0,850; Q2 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 7,30; SNIP: 1,247; SJR: 0,786; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 001] [Input: 1,000]
Yuanlei, Si; Andriukaitis, Darius; Pham, Vieth; Karimipour, Aliakbar; Li, Z. Study of the bio nanofluid heat transfer rate and thermo-physical properties of fused deposition modeling of bone scaffold dip coated by polyvinyl alcohol/nano-diopside // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry. Dordrecht : Springer. ISSN 1388-6150. eISSN 1572-8943. 2024, vol. 149, p. 9893-9901. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-024-13213-5. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 3,000; AIF: 5,366; IF/AIF: 0,559; Q2 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 8,50; SNIP: 0,995; SJR: 0,585; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 001] [Input: 0,200]
Vaiciukyniene, Danute; Kantautas, Aras; Nizeviciene, Dalia; Vaiciukynas, Vilimantas; Alaburdaite, Rasa. Utilization of polypropylene waste and zeolitic by-product in composite materials // Materials letters. Amsterdam : Elsevier. ISSN 0167-577X. eISSN 1873-4979. 2024, vol. 367, art. no. 136563, p. 1-4. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2024.136563. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus] [IF: 2,700; AIF: 5,300; IF/AIF: 0,509; Q2 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore 5,60; SNIP: 0,703; SJR: 0,602; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 002, T 001, N 003] [Input: 0,200]
Jasiūnienė, Elena; Raišutis, Renaldas; Samaitis, Vykintas; Jankauskas, Audrius. Comparison of different NDT techniques for evaluation of the quality of PCBs produced using traditional vs. Additive manufacturing technologies // Sensors. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 1424-8220. 2024, vol. 24, iss. 6, art. no. 1719, p. 1-16. DOI: 10.3390/s24061719. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 3,400; AIF: 4,000; IF/AIF: 0,850; Q2 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 7,30; SNIP: 1,247; SJR: 0,786; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 010, T 001] [Input: 0,250]
Šiaulys, Andrius; Vaiciukynas, Evaldas; Medelyte, Saule; Buškus, Kazimieras. Coverage estimation of benthic habitat features by semantic segmentation of underwater imagery from South-eastern Baltic reefs using deep learning models // Oceanologia. Sopot : Polish Academy of Sciences. ISSN 0078-3234. eISSN 2300-7370. 2024, vol. 66, iss. 2, p. 286-298. DOI: 10.1016/j.oceano.2023.12.004. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; Dimensions] [IF: 2,600; AIF: 3,000; IF/AIF: 0,866; Q2 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 5,30; SNIP: 1,012; SJR: 0,674; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 007, N 012] [Input: 0,250]
Butkuviene, Monika; Petrenas, Andrius; Martín-Yebra, Alba; Marozas, Vaidotas; Sörnmo, Leif. Characterization of atrial fibrillation episode patterns: a comparative study // IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. ISSN 0018-9294. eISSN 1558-2531. 2024, vol. 71, iss. 1, p. 106-113. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2023.3293252. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 4,400; AIF: 5,000; IF/AIF: 0,880; Q2 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 9,40; SNIP: 1,556; SJR: 1,239; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 010, T 001] [Input: 0,100]
Smagulova, Damira; Yilmaz, Bengisu; Jasiuniene, Elena. Ultrasonic features for evaluation of adhesive joints: a comparative study of interface defects // Sensors. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 1424-8220. 2024, vol. 24, iss. 1, art. no. 176, p. 1-17. DOI: 10.3390/s24010176. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); Scopus; MEDLINE] [IF: 3,400; AIF: 4,000; IF/AIF: 0,850; Q2 (2023, InCites JCR SCIE)] [CiteScore: 7,30; SNIP: 1,247; SJR: 0,786; Q1 (2023, Scopus Sources)] [FoR: T 010, T 001] [Input: 0,333]


Prof. dr. Algimantas Valinevičius
Vice-Dean for Research

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Eglė Savickaitė-Kačerauskienė
Science Coordinator

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