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Erasmus: Now I know how “punctual” Brazilians are

Important | 2020-02-05

Every year, Kaunas University of Technology (KUT) receives an increasing number of Erasmus + students. In fact, studies in the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (FEEE) are most often chosen by students from Turkey, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Spain. It is not the exception to the Lithuanians, who prefer the more South European universities, but the partial study of the Scandinavian countries is becoming increasingly popular.

“The key factor in why I participated in Erasmus+ was the desire to try something new, to experience new impressions, to find new singles, friends. After this autumn semester, in Linköping, I can safely say that all my goals have been met. During my studies in Sweden, I met a wide range of people from all over the world. Now I know what kind of beer is most appreciated by the Germans and what spicy food can be in the Pakistanis kitchen. What “punctual” is a Brazilian, and what is better not to offer dishes “– by Vilius Gudelis, a third-year Robotic student of the other, who has just returned to her experience from a partial study in Sweden.

Erasmus+ who have studied FEEE in the autumn semester do not hide that the country they arrive in is one of the most important criteria for participating in the exchange program. These students, much more often than Lithuania, choose Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland, but choosing to study in Lithuania is not disappointed, they are often more likely to exceed the expectations of the majority of the arrivals as regards the amount of practical knowledge received, and these very enjoyed.

“Lithuania was not the first country on my list to where I would like to arrive. However, the situation arose in such a way that the autumn semester had passed here. I am very pleased, the surroundings and the lecturers were very kind, trying to help. Continue studying the return of FEEE, but the opportunity to visit other countries is also attractive. “– The experience of Erasmus + in the course of partial studies is shared by Amouri Robin (France)
“I was able to choose studies in Greece, Denmark, and Lithuania, but I chose Lithuania not only for studies but also for the environment, it’s quiet, green – not comparable to Stambul. I gained more practical than theoretical knowledge when learning FEEE”– Bunyamin Dokmet (Turkey)

FEEE is clearly seen as a trend towards Erasmus + cross-border studies that are much less common in Lithuanians than in students from other countries. Why is this happening, his insights shared and V. Gudaitis

“The greater participation of foreigners in Erasmus + studies, perhaps in Lithuania, is still a fear of not passing examinations abroad or a language barrier, but the truth is that many Europeans are imperfect in that language, so there is no need to worry about it; For examinations, if you passed in KUT, this the bigger problems really shouldn’t arise”.

You can also leave an Erasmus + exchange program. The submission of applications for the autumn semester is conducted until 28 February. More info: