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Faculty Scientists to Provide Consulting Services to the Lithuanian Electricity Transmission System Operator Litgrid

Important | 2016-06-07

According to the agreement signed on the 25th of May, from now on specialists from Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) shall provide the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator Litgid with professional assistance in preparing feasibility studies. The agreement follows decades of close cooperation between the energy industry in Lithuania and the KTU Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEF).

Until the end of the year faculty scientists will be working on joint cooperation projects with the company engineers seeking to produce several studies focusing on the operation and control of the local power system. Later on, joined by colleagues from Tallinn University of Technology, they will design comprehensive electrical market and power system models.

Based on the terms of the latest agreement, experts shall provide Litgrid engineers with up to 2,000 hours of professional consultations. The first task on the agenda – the modelling of the Electricity Balancing Market in the Baltic region.

“Our long-standing cooperation with Litgrid has served as the perfect soil for the joint activity of the company, KTU researchers and faculty students. Today’s agreement is yet another well-captured opportunity to activate the scientific potential of our Faculty and use it in the process of addressing the most relevant problems in our energy sector,” shared the Dean of KTU Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering prof. Algimantas Valinevicius.

“Our electric power system operates according to the natural laws of a living organism. At the moment it keeps undergoing significant changes which are subject not only to the shifts in consumer behaviour but also to the strategic goals and projects on the government level. Our energy system is increasingly reliant on the systems operated in our neighbouring countries, not to mention the potential shifts in their energy policies. We have to address the issue with the greatest objectivity and that is why we have decided to turn to the expertise of our country’s best researchers,” commented the CEO of Litgrid Daivis Virbickas.

Litgrid AB, the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator, maintains a stable operation of the national power system, controls electricity flows, and enables competition in an open domestic electricity market. Litgrid is responsible for integrating the national power system into the European power infrastructure and electricity market.

The Department of Electric Power Systems at the KTU Faculty of Electrical and Electronics engineering boasts highly qualified and experienced specialists with next-to-none know-how and long-standing experience in the field of energy systems. Since the Reestablishment of the State of Lithuania they have been actively working in the areas of energy system design, maintenance and development.