On 19th-21st June 2017, the 21st International Conference Electronics 2017 will take place in Palanga. Researchers from 32 countries submitted their papers for the conference and a hundred participants will be present this year.
The conference will cover a wide range of topics, from signal technology to renewable energy. It will begin with two invited speakers. Dr. Tomas Gomez Alvarez-Arenas from Spanish National Research Council, Spain address the main ultrasonic transduction technologies available and their applications: possibilities, limitations, solutions and future trends in the presentation “Ultrasonic Transducers for Operation in Air: Technologies, Applications and Future Trends”. Prof. Dr. Liudas Mazeika from Prof. K. Barsauskas Ultrasound Research Institute, Lithuania, will start with a brief presentation of ultrasonic measurements in general, and present recent trends in the development of ultrasonic techniques in the presentation “Ultrasonic Measurements: Trends, Problems, Solutions”.
Afterwards the participants will attend the 11 sessions and present their papers. These presentations will be streamed online live at www.youtube.com:
1st day: https://youtu.be/1VpTS2pHBNI
2nd day: https://youtu.be/Q05mK15Fspw
3rd day: https://youtu.be/4jagg1B68II