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Investors’ Spotlight quality labels awarded to 3 KTU study programmes

Important | 2019-06-18

Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) study programmes Electronics Engineering, Mechatronics and Programmed Automatic Systems were awarded Investors’ Spotlight Quality Labels during the Baltic Investors Forum 2019 earlier this month.

Established in 2017, on the initiative of Invest Lithuania together with Investors’ Forum the Investor’s Spotlight aims to contribute to solving the shortage of skilled professionals in the market. The Label is awarded to the most promising undergraduate study programmes, which are answering business and industry needs.

This year the board of experts was focusing on the regions, the working parties who selected the study programmes were comprised of the representatives from more than 40 different foreign and local companies based in Kaunas, Klaipėda, Panevėžys and Šiauliai.

“By awarding Investors’ Spotlight quality labels we wish to encourage the tighter collaboration between Lithuanian higher education institutions and businesses. We believe that the more willing higher education is to include businesses in the study process, the better the study quality. Regardless of the region, the chances of the graduates from these programmes to find qualified and well-paid job positions are high”, says Živilė Kazlauskaitė, the Regional Development Team Lead at Invest Lithuania.

Among the criteria considered while awarding the Label, are market trends and business needs, the quality of study programme and its flexibility and changes while implementing the individual recommendations from investors both in the study curriculum and in the study process.

“By contributing to the creation and development of study programmes the investors assure that the knowledge and skills, which are gained through the studies, will allow the freshly graduated young professionals to adapt to the demands of the employer. This is especially valid in the case of technology studies, as this field is very dynamic and the conditions and needs are changing all the time”, says Aida Kundrotaitė, Human Resources Manager at Littelfuse LT.

In total, Investors’ Spotlight quality labels were awarded to 8 study programmes of Lithuanian universities; KTU received 3 of them. The winning programmes are divided among three KTU faculties: Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Design and Panevėžys Faculty of Technologies and Business.

“Investors’ Spotlight label is proof that we can efficiently cooperate with business by preparing highly qualified engineers to the job market. I believe that our graduates will be headhunted by the foreign investors in Lithuania”, says Andrius Chaziachmetovas, Head of the Electronic Engineering study programme.

Algimantas Valinevičius, the Dean of KTU Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is convinced that the achievement can be contributed to both academic community and business, who showed mutual interest in collaboration and improving the quality of studies.

With the growing number of industrial companies in Lithuania, the need for highly qualified employees is constantly increasing in the job market. Investors’ Spotlight is a powerful message for prospective students – these are the study programmes, which not only guarantee quality studies, but also high employability in the global job market.

Admissions to Kaunas University of Technology are now open. Choose your study programme and apply today.